In Northern New York we like our sharp Cheddar cheese. Other cheeses may work well too. This is great served with a pasta side dish or steamed veggies...
In Northern New York we like our sharp Cheddar cheese. Other cheeses may work well too. This is great served with a pasta side dish or steamed veggies...
This recipe was given to me by Clare Hunter, a very talented person who used to cook for private dinner parties on an old Thames sailing barge. The pungent,...
If you have some rockfish on hand and some other staple ingredients, you can have dinner in less than 30 minutes, even if your rockfish is frozen. As a...
One of my husband's favorites! It's full of creamy, cheesy, crabby goodness that warms you up on a cool rainy night. It's very vegetable savvy, you can...
My mom gave me this recipe and it is very easy to prepare. The citrus sauce makes it a refreshing and flavorful dish. Buy 1/2 inch thick orange roughy...
Tasty grilled fish fillet with a tantalizing color and zesty, zingy taste. I love to experiment with grilling fish and marinades, and this is one I've...
This Buffalo-chicken style fish is gluten-free and delicious. It is also good with shrimp. It is great served with the quinoa and black beans recipe by...
Basa is a mild white fish. This recipe is very quick to make. I serve it with a side of coconut rice to use up the rest of the coconut milk in the can...
This baked fish is easy to make and busting with flavor. Fillets are seasoned with garlic pepper, then bathed in a spicy red pepper and horseradish sauce,...
This baked fish is easy to make and busting with flavor. Fillets are seasoned with garlic pepper, then bathed in a spicy red pepper and horseradish sauce,...
This quick fish 'piccata' boasts a powerful punch of flavor with minimal mess from prep! Quick, easy, and certain to satisfy! Serve with brown/wild rice...
I learned about butterfish in Saratoga, California at the Race Street Market where I first tried it. I wouldn't eat fish as a child and am very particular...
Meuniere is a classic that can't go wrong. Traditionally it is done with sole, but I used whiting with impressive results, and so decided to spread the...
Super-fast entree that tastes like you spent time in the kitchen. Light, crisp flavors of lime and dill say 'summertime' even if you grill this in the...
I learned about butterfish in Saratoga, California at the Race Street Market where I first tried it. I wouldn't eat fish as a child and am very particular...
I love orange roughy. This is a nameless recipe I just came up with using things I had on hand. It is made in a skillet, but no frying here. If you wish...
Delicious sea bass fillets are studded with fresh chervil and served with pesto over new potatoes and portobello mushrooms. The sea bass is broiled, but...
This recipe is one I created this evening after going to the local market. Wild cod was on sale and my husband was craving it. I thought the delicate flavor...
Simple, easy fish recipe. Any white fish will do! And even the kids will eat up the spinach! (My four year old loves this dish!) This recipe was passed...
This is by far the best way to grill fish for a most remarkable and satisfying taste. Using a square closeable fish basket, place fish filets between layers...
The wine evaporated before cooking the fish gives it a very particular caramelized wine taste and doesn't need any sauce with it. Goes very well with any...
This creamy crab and cream cheese filling is nestled in miniature pita pockets. The filling can be made a day in advance so that you can simply stuff the...
This is a super simple recipe that can be used with any fish. I just happen to like cod a lot. You throw the ingredients in a foil pouch, then steam in...
A great New Orleans style gravy. We call tomato sauce Red Gravy in the South. Anchovies add flavor, not salt to this recipe. I know you will thank me after...
Super-fast entree that tastes like you spent time in the kitchen. Light, crisp flavors of lime and dill say 'summertime' even if you grill this in the...
Cod is pan-fried, covered with a savory potato crust, and baked in the oven. You can use any type of white fish fillet for this recipe, no need to buy...
This is something a friend of mine showed me. It's super easy, not to mention delicious. I try to eat according to the paleolithic diet and this fits wonderfully....
This is something a friend of mine showed me. It's super easy, not to mention delicious. I try to eat according to the paleolithic diet and this fits wonderfully....